Cloud Services Comparison (AWS vs Google vs Azure)

This is a quick reference guide to compare the basic cloud services among the 3 top competitors, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Services, and Amazon AWS. This compilation was made based on two articles published by Microsoft, and the prices I was able to get in their respective pricing calculators. It is possible that my estimates are not accurate, based on my own understanding of the pricing calculators, so I expect to update this web page frequently.

I really like the documentation from Microsoft Azure, both the pricing structure and the management of services are a lot clearer and easier to understand.

Table of Contents

Pricing Calculators

AzureAmazon AWSGoogle Cloud
Azure Pricing CalculatorAWS Pricing CalculatorGoogle Cloud Pricing Calculator

Side by Side Services

Service DescriptionAzureAmazon AWSGoogle Cloud
Virtual MachinesAzure Virtual MachinesAmazon EC2Compute Engine
Object StorageBlob StorageS3 StandardCloud Storage
MySQL DatabasesDatabase for MySQLAmazon RDS for MySQLCloud SQL for MySQL
NoSQL DatabasesCosmosDBDynamoDBCloud Firestore
Real-Time NoSQL DatabasesAzure Cosmos DB change feedDynamoDBFirebase Real-Time Database
Container RegistryAzure Container RegistryAmazon ECRArtifact Registry
Container InstancesAzure Container InstancesAmazon ECSCloud Run
Web AppsApp ServiceElastic BeenstalkApp Engine
Mobile Apps
Realtime Backend
App ServiceAWS AmplifyFirebase
Build, Test, and Monitor Mobile ApplicationsApp CenterMobile HubN/A
Content Delivery Network (CDN)Azure CDNCloudFrontCloud CDN
FunctionsAzure FunctionsAWS LambdaCloud Functions
AuthenticationAzure Active DirectoryCognitoCloud Identity
DNS ManagementDNSRoute 53Cloud DNS
APIs ManagementAPI ManagementAPI GatewayApigee
Promotional Email & MessagingAzure Communication ServicesAmazon PinpointN/A
Transactional EmailAzure Communication ServicesAmazon Simple Email Service (SES) N/A
Internal MessagingService BusSimple Notification Service (SNS)Cloud Pub/Sub


Virtual Machines

Monthly Cost based on 1 CPU, 1 GB of RAM, and 30Gb of SSD with a Linux Operating System with a “Pay-as-you-go” plan and 100% of utilization per month

FeatureAzureAmazon AWSGoogle Cloud
NameAzure Virtual MachinesAmazon EC2Compute Engine
Instance NameB1St4g.micron1-standard-1
Monthly Cost$9.05$9.13$24.27

Object Storage

Estimate based on 100 GB of storage on a standard service for general purpose on a “Pay-as-you-go” plan, assuming the data is already there.

FeatureAzureAmazon AWSGoogle Cloud
NameBlob StorageS3 StandardCloud Storage
Monthly Cost$21.84$2.30$2.00

MySQL Databases

Monthly Cost based on 2 vCore, Single Server with 10 GB of Storage and with a “Pay-as-you-go” plan at 100% of utilization per month

FeatureAzureAmazon AWSGoogle Cloud
NameDatabase for MySQL
Amazon RDS for MySQL
Cloud SQL for MySQL
Service LevelSingle Server General Purpose Gen 5, 2vCoredb.m1.largedb-standard-1
SpecificationsGen5, 2vCore (No memory specified)(2 vCPU, 7.5 GiB of Memory )(2 vCPU, 7.5 GiB of Memory )
Monthly Cost$128.17$169.15$107.41

Container Registry

Based on 1 registry, with 1CPU, 10 GB of storage, and 5 GB of outbound Data Transfer

FeatureAzureAmazon AWSGoogle Cloud
NameAzure Container RegistryAmazon ECRArtifact Registry
Monthly Cost$5.90$1.45$0.95

Container Instances

Based on 1 vCPU, 1 pod, 2 GB of Memory, 30 Days duration

FeatureAzureAmazon AWSGoogle Cloud
Azure Container Instances

Amazon ECS
Cloud Run
Service LevelNo storage specified20 GBNo storage specified
Monthly Cost$35.57$35.55$52.60

Web Applications

FeatureAzureAmazon AWSGoogle Cloud
App Service

Elastic Beenstalk
App Engine
Service LevelB1Depends on resources usedB1
Specifications1 vCore, 1.75 GB RAM, 10 GB Storage, with Linux OSDepends on resources usedNot disclosed
Monthly Cost$13.14Depends on resources used$25.09
